Real Results for Real People
Sherry Gideons - 818-568-7769
Northridge, California 91325
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Pilates
- Body Sculpting
- Circuit Training, Figure Competi
Training Locations
- home
- work
- outdoors
- Freestyle Fitness
- Pilates
- Fit Lifestyles
Personal Trainer Overview
Accelerate your pathway to excellence in all areas of your life. Sherry Gideons has been a well known fitness expert, professional fitness athlete, and model for the last 27 years. Programs.
Training Philosophy
Believing in a positive, complete healthy lifestyle - of total living in all aspects of one's life - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Each aspect affects each other and therefore works with each other. When a person has a cold, they feel down - their psychology is down. When a person is in great physical shape, they feel up beat, more efficient, and have the ability to more effectively handle life's ups and downs and ultimately get their most out of their life.
Degree in Communications/Journalism and Communications Technology specializing in bringing real results to real people in the areas of Personal training, Life and Health Coaching, nutrition, and Personal Empowerment Programs.
Sherry Gideons is a Professional fitness Bodybuilder and fitness expert, and a new thought leader who has also achieved top honors in the fitness/wellness industry as a thriving coach and motivator. Sherry's background includes twenty seven years of training in the health and wellness industry, near death experiences, metaphysics, communications, and an avid quest for spiritual knowledge, give her a unique and powerful ability to address life issues from an integrated and comprehensive level. Sherry always says, that for each and everyone of us, the path to this knowledge is different. For anyone who truly wants it, it is there. We are all on a journey. As a life coach Sherry simply directs you along the way. Everything in the universe affects everything else. The universe is dynamic, alive, and very connected. .. Sherry has a global story known as "Sherry Gideons Near Death Experience story," that has been told nationally, and globally since 1997. Her near death experiences have given her a second chance to share her own personal system to teaching individuals to create their highest good. In 2004, after the delivery of twins, she experienced a second massive heart attack, in which she was told she could die in a year, would need a heart transplant, and would never exercise again. As a life coach. Sherry used the universal principles she teaches others, and immediately turned away from the appearance of illness; Sherry told the doctor she would heal to 100% of her capacity, and focused on the opposite of dis-ease, which is wellness. Today, she is a cardiac recovery patient, 100% healed. .. Sherry Gideons helps to transform the way the world thinks of their body image, studying the thoughts, actions, and habits of those who struggle to create their best image. Sherry uses her own life and example as a way to share simple truths for individuals to relate with their own experiences. As a coach and mentor, Sherry has taught many individuals to create health, wellness, and people's highest image of themselves. One of her goals in life is to share her unique way of creating goals deliberately with individuals around the world.