Curtis Fisher - 310-947-9200
Torrance, California 90505
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
- Nutrition/Diet
Training Locations
- home
- work
- gym
- studio
- outdoor
- Personal Trainer with over 20 years of experience in physical fitness including
- strength training
- flexibility
- balance
- coordination
- nutrition
- and supplementation for all ages. For the advanced clients I am also a bodybuilder and/or bikini competitor diet consultant as well as posing for mens routines and all pre-contest preparation.
Personal Trainer Overview
I am a fitness trainer, diet consultant, bodybuilding trainer and for anyone else interested in getting in shape and staying healthy. I have a life time of experience in training as well as a competitive bodybuilding background. Featured in magazines such as Muscle Mag and Iron Man.
Training Philosophy
Please visit WWW.CURTISFISHER.NET to see photos and contact me for a consultation.
Curtis Fisher is a bodybuilding competitor/model featured numerous times in IRONMAN MAGAZINE, MUSCLE MAG magazine and others to date. Ironman Magazine blogger September 23, 2009 by Cory Crow A rising star on the West Coast—Curtis placed eighth in a competitive middleweight class at the ’08 NPC Excalibur last December—he has been winning natural contests on the amateur level since 1998. His biggest win came in the lightweight class at the ’00 Musclemania, a contest that aired on ESPN. After taking 2002 off to reassess and make improvements, Curtis dipped his toe in the NPC waters at the ’03 Pacific Naturals, where he finished a respectable fourth. In 2008 the bodybuilding bug bit again, Curtis decided to return to the posing platform. All of this brings me back to my point about variety in bodybuilding. Curtis’ chest plan is unique among those of all the competitors I’ve interviewed. His theories and workout splits are thought-provoking, containing nuggets of wisdom that all lifters can apply to their routines.