Owner Sculpt Fitness

Brandon Overstreet - (541) 621-7232

Medford, Oregon 97501

Trains both men and women.

contact trainer


  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Aerobics
  • Kick Boxing
  • Body Sculpting

Training Locations

  • home


  • American Council on Exercise

Personal Trainer Overview

My specialties include weight loss, weight gain, increasing muscular strength, increase muscle tone, muscle endurance and I also offer nutrition advice.

Training Philosophy

Helping people improve their health is my passion. I've been personal training for several years and this profession is truly my calling. I started working in gyms but quickly discovered that it just wasn't for me. The banging of weights and folks talking on their cell phones was such a distraction when working with clients that I had to make a change. So I decided to train people right out of their homes. People absolutely loved that I came to them and I loved that I could give 100% of my attention to the client. I've now opened a studio in Phoenix, Or called Sculpt Fitness.


I graduated from Southern Oregon University with a BS in Health Promotion & Fitness Management.


If you’re lucky, there comes a time in your life where you come face to face with what is not working for you. Maybe you ignored the gnawing problem for months or even years, but in one big fat moment, it just slaps you in the face. I reached that turning point a few years ago. It was the beginning of the economic downturn. My internet sales business had taken a nosedive. Every day I had to worry about how many sales came in just to break even. I was newly married, so I felt financially responsible for someone besides myself. It was incredibly stressful. So I turned to food for comfort. I was eating really badly — pizza…burgers…refined carbs. And I felt too busy to exercise. I gained a lot of weight, and it just killed my self esteem. In high school I had been so athletic. But here I was in my early 30s, overweight, out of shape, with a beer belly. One night, my wife and I were eating at Red Lobster, and my jeans were digging into my stomach. It pissed me off how uncomfortable it felt and what I had done to my body. I mean I was really angry — when we left the restaurant I was actually yelling (at myself). I had had enough. That night when we got home, I went out and walked for two hours, even though it was 10 o’clock at night. From that day on, I walked every single day for an hour or two up the steep hilly streets of Ashland. I changed my eating habits, eating more vegetables and whole grains and fish. And in a year I dropped 30 pounds. I can run 10 miles no problem. My body is strong and toned. I’m so much more nimble than I used to be without that extra weight. And I feel better about myself. There’s something to be said for looking in the mirror and loving your reflection. The experience has been so transformative for me that I’ve decided to dedicate my life to helping other people — people like you — transform their bodies and their lives. I already had a Bachelor’s degree in Health Promotion and Fitness Management from Southern Oregon University. During the five years I ran my internet business, though, I had really gotten away from my fitness focus. So in 2008, I got my certification as a personal trainer through the American Council on Exercise. I’ve been helping people strength train, increase their cardiovascular fitness, and build the body of their dreams ever since. That’s what I love about what I do. I instill exercise in my clients so that it gets into their blood and becomes an indispensable part of their lives. I know that if I can do it, so can you!