Genuine Fitness
Aaron Orton - (541) 206-8854
Eugene, Oregon 97402
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Military Prep / Bodybuilding
Training Locations
- gym
- ISSA Certified Personal Trainer APEX Certified Personal Trainer "Advanced Fitness Specialist"
Personal Trainer Overview
I am known to strengthen, improve, and tone muscles within one workout. My teaching method is simple, fast, and effective. I have helped multiple clients add up to fifteen pounds of muscle mass in only 45 days, while never injuring a client in the process. My approach can be used for muscle builders and those seeking a more athletic physique. My rates are flat and do not require any start up fees, packages, or memberships. Sessions are a flat rate of $70 per hour, cash or check. I am located at 1369 West 6th Street in Eugene Oregon. If I cannot help you achieve your goals I am in charge of six trainers that may fit you more effectively.
Training Philosophy
I employ shocking techniques and muscle confusion to keep my client's bodies guessing, this ensures constant adaptation! I am a firm believer in building workouts around client weaknesses and not preplanned training methods. Finally, I always teach my clients when I train because if they aren't learning there is no way to make sure they will continue this lifestyle for years to come.
US Marine Corps Infantry Squad Leader (03-07) AAS Degree in Health and Movement Science Fitness Specialist Certificate Fitness Technician Certificate ISSA Certified Personal Trainer WNBF Pro Natural Bodybuilder
Competitive Natural Bodybuilder 1st Place 2014 Vancouver Natural Open LHVW 1st Place NANBF 2014 WA State Natural Tall US Marine 03-07 WNBF Pro Natural Bodybuilder "I build bodies in twenty minutes"